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Benchmark your
programmatic supply chain

Benchmark your supply chain against
the ANA Programmatic Transparency Study
and increase ad spend productivity by +20%*

An industry benchmark for marketers

Recognizing the need to help marketers to take control over their programmatic supply chains, TAG TrustNet is launching the Programmatic Transparency Benchmark, as a next step following the findings of the ANA Programmatic Transparency First Look Report.


The Benchmark is designed to help marketer compare their programmatic supply chain against industry averages and identify areas of improvements in ad spend productivity, or 'TrueAdSpend'. 


The ANA Programmatic Transparency Study
 with TAG TrustNet, found that:​

  • An average of 29% of the programmatic investment that arrives at DSPs is spent on the buying process, with 71% making it to the sell-side. 

  • Just 36% of investment is spent on valid, non-MFA (made for advertising), measurable, and viewable impressions. 

  • Simulations show that advertisers can see a +20% increase in ad spend productivity, or 'TrueAdSpend', by gaining full log-level transparency and optimizing their supply chains.

Ad Spend Productivity Optimization Opportunities 

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Based on the aggregated supply chain data of contributing marketers**, the 

Programmatic Transparency Benchmark uses a set of key metrics to help advertisers understand where they stand against industry averages and evaluate their own opportunity to improve ‘TrueAdSpend’. 

Make your data actionable at all times


Marketers can go further - with a full TAG TrustNet enterprise license your data becomes actionable, enabling you to optimise ad spend productivity in real time. 

The ANA Study has validated that, with the use of the TAG TrustNet platform to connect and reconcile impression log-level data and price impressions using a set of quality metrics, the increase in as spend productivity, or TrueAdSpend, can reach +20%*.


Find out more about how impression log-level data, connected through TAG TrustNet can help you optimize your programmatic supply chain productivity, or get in touch using the form at the bottom of the page. 


You can also contact: 

Ed Stevenson
VP Sales

* Part of the findings of the ANA Programmatic Transparency First Look Report.


** All data used for the Benchmark is transactional data. It does not include any PII data and is not subject to privacy regulations. The data is aggregated, anonymized, and treated at all times as confidential information.

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